Our trained SDR team connects you with motivated sellers. We make the calls, you close the deals. Scale your real estate business without the hassle of cold calling.
Start Your Free TrialOur team of trained professionals takes the grunt work out of finding motivated sellers.
Our highly trained agents handle calls naturally, identifying genuine seller interest with high accuracy.
All calls adhere to real estate regulations and privacy standards, keeping your business protected.
Track call performance, lead quality, and conversion rates through our intuitive dashboard.
Premium plans include dedicated agents who understand your business needs and target specific sellers.
Save 15+ hours per week on cold calling and focus on what you do best—closing deals.
Easily integrates with your CRM to automatically update lead information and follow-up tasks.
Choose the plan that fits your business needs. No hidden fees, no contracts.
Perfect for agents looking to test the waters with AI-powered cold calling.
For serious agents wanting to scale their business with dedicated support.
Real estate agents are seeing real results with CallSellers.ai
"CallSellers.ai has transformed my business. I've closed 3 additional deals in just the first month using their service. The quality of leads is impressive."
"I was skeptical about outsourcing my calls, but the quality is impressive. The conversations are natural, and sellers are responding positively. Worth every penny!"
"The time savings alone make this service invaluable. I'm focused on closing deals instead of making hundreds of cold calls. My business has grown 40% since signing up."
Join hundreds of successful real estate agents who are closing more deals with less effort. Start your free 7-day trial today.
Start Your Free Trial